Judie Gannon
Dr Judie Gannon leads the Doctoral programmes in Oxford Brookes Business School, including the Doctorate in Coaching and Mentoring in the International Centre for Coaching & Mentoring Studies (ICCaMS) in Oxford Brookes University, UK. Judie is passionate about coaching and mentoring and supporting the development of coaches, mentors and those who operate initiatives across organisations. Her research interests, publications and consultancy cover the areas of; coaching, mentoring, talent management/development and international HRM. Judie is currently researching the social impact of coaching and mentoring. She is on the editorial board of several academic journals and has contributed to several books on coaching and mentoring.
Current job role: Director of Doctoral Programmes Oxford Brookes Business School, Member of the International Centre of Coaching & Mentoring Studies, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, OX3 0BP.
Email: jmgannon@brookes.ac.uk