Becoming a Professional Life Coach: The Art and Science of a Whole-Person Approach

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Becoming a Professional Life Coach: The Art and Science of a Whole-Person Approach
Book Cover: Becoming a Professional Life Coach: The Art and Science of a Whole-Person Approach

An update to the coach training bestseller.

The profession of life coaching is more necessary than ever in this time of pandemic-related uncertainty, the shift (in some cases, permanent) to remote learning and working, and the constant change that accompanies world events. With his best-selling Therapist as Life Coach, Patrick Williams introduced the therapeutic community to the career of life coach, and in the first and second editions of Becoming a Professional Life Coach, he and Diane S. Menendez covered basic principles and strategies for effective coaching.

Full of new information on the neuropsychology of coaching, the third edition of Becoming a Professional Life Coach explores the neuropsychology behind coaching; specialties in the field, such as trauma and addiction coaching; coaching amid post-pandemic global stress; coaching virtually; navigating emotions in coaching; and achieving transformational coaching by addressing the whole person. It takes readers step-by-step through the coaching process, covering all the crucial ideas and strategies for being an effective, successful life coach. This book is one-stop shopping for beginner and advanced coaches alike. Other topics include: coaching the whole client: mind, body, emotions, spirit; post-pandemic global stress; and the importance of professional coaching competencies. 

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