Death and Loss – how coaches can better support clients through life transitions

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Death and Loss – how coaches can better support clients through life transitions

Our current culture is grief and mourning phobic, not inviting people to recognize, honour, and express their grief. As coaches, we meet people during life transitions and too often, they are encouraged to stay strong, be brave, and focus on the future, despite the grief many of them might be feeling after failed performances, not achieving stated goals, or moving through various transitions during their career. The result is increased anxiety, depression, exhaustion, and burn-out. Coaches will learn how to move through loss in a holistic and heart centered manner, creating the conditions for resilience.

The workshop will provide new language and a heart centered perspective on the topic of loss, grief, and mourning and how it can be integrated into your coaching practice. Join Dina Bell-Laroche, Integral Master Coach and Grief Companion, as she shares her lived experience of working through a life shattering loss and having accompanied hundreds of leaders, coaches and athletes who have worked with her to grieve their losses in a healthy and holistic manner.

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  • McLean Hospital
  • 115 Mill Street, Mail Stop 314
  • Belmont, MA 02478