Integration: The Power of Being Co-Active in Work and Life

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Integration: The Power of Being Co-Active in Work and Life

The Institute is pleased to present books published by Fellows and Sponsors.

We live in a world of both profound separation and deep longing for connection. In this book, Ann Betz and Karen Kimsey-House explore not only the historical and spiritual history of our disconnection and its cost to individual and societal well-being, but also provide a compelling, neuroscience-based argument for how to make the next “great turning” of human development: becoming more integrated human beings. They invite you to accompany them through a road map to integration by exploring in detail the Co-Active model, originally used by coaches, but with practical application to business, parents, teachers, and anyone with a desire to be more effective, connected, and whole. Richly illustrated with true stories of integration in action, as well as current research in neuroscience, this book provides a guide to reaching our full potential within ourselves, with each other, in groups and organizations and with society at large.

"As an attempt to evoke transformation and evolve consciousness, this book succeeds thoroughly and creatively. You will find it profound, inspiring, practical, soulful and hopeful, and it will leave you breathless and excited for the adventure that awaits you."
-Miriam Linderman, CPCC, ACC

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