Letters to the Brokenhearted: Woman-to-Woman Advice on Refocusing, Rebuilding, and Reloving

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Letters to the Brokenhearted: Woman-to-Woman Advice on Refocusing, Rebuilding, and Reloving
Book Cover: Letters to the Brokenhearted: Woman-to-Woman Advice on Refocusing, Rebuilding, and Reloving

Take a quick glance over your shoulder. Odds are, at least one of those women standing behind you has been brokenhearted for years--raising kids, running businesses, even playing the field--all with the burden of the past still hanging on their shoulders. Or is that woman you? We ladies hide it well because we believe we have to. Whether our hears were broken recently or years ago, many of us struggle with trust, new relationships, and how we see ourselves. We don't have to be brokenhearted anymore. We can embrace lives that enable us to fully trust, fully love, and fully live. "Letters to the Brokenhearted" speaks passionately to the woman in need of a strategy to finally heal, stay strong, and take her life to the next level by: Refocusing on the strengths in her life; Rebuilding what has been damaged; and Reloving with a new purpose. After all...this is your life, right? It's time to start loving it!

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