Powered by Me Presentation slides
Burnout isn’t a personal failure. It’s a wake-up call....
Have you noticed that when communication breaks down, your heart rate speeds up?...
This book is not just for parents! While it was initially written for them, increasingly adults working with adolescents also sought help....
How to Coach Mothers and Daughters Presentation Slides
The mother-daughter relationship remains one of the most disregarded and under-researched topics, even though women’s development research rev...
Margaret Moore and Carol Kauffman will explore the topic of integration, from the perspectives of self-determination theory, mindsight (Dan Si...
Inner Development Goals Presentation Slides
UN has declared the 2020s as the determining decade for action to reach the 17 Sustainable Development Goals agreed by all countries’ leaders ...
Join us for a discussion with Asheesh Advani, a leader who empowers other leaders in his role as CEO of JA (Junior Achievement) Worldwide....