Powered by Me Presentation slides
Burnout isn’t a personal failure. It’s a wake-up call....
Have you noticed that when communication breaks down, your heart rate speeds up?...
Coaching for Mindfulness: Restore Autonomy and Cure Burnout Presentation Slide
The modern healthcare system leaves doctors living out of balance, spending more time on the computer than taking care of patients, and strugg...
With the increasing corporatization of many sectors of the economy, levels of burnout are high....
Healthcare professionals are very engaged despite the extreme stress they face day in and day out....
In this keynote session, Dr....
Burnout is among the most significant on-the-job hazards facing workers today. It is also among the most misunderstood....
We entered 2021 hopeful, but cautious, ready to emerge from the pandemic and its devastating impact. Yet our best-laid plans went astray....