This study explored mentoring relationships in sport from the perspective of the protégé. The project was guided by contemporary mentori...
Evidence indicates that dispositional gratitude may improve romantic relationships by reinforcing positive emotions between partners and by in...
The goal of this work was to test a theoretical model of relational catalyst (RC) support provision that promotes thriving in non-adverse time...
A central feature of meaning in life is a consideration of more than oneself....
With this unprecedented promise, internationally esteemed psychologist Martin Seligman begins Flourish, his first book in ten years—and the fi...
Previous research has highlighted the social nature of humility....
Being happy and finding life meaningful overlap but there are important differences....
The self-expansion model suggests that the acquisition of new identities capabilities perspectives and resources primarily occurs in the conte...
This paper presents an initial conceptualisation of relationship coaching for single people....
Relationship problems are negatively associated with life satisfaction....