In this panel discussion at the 2013 Coaching in Leadership and Healthcare Conference, we hear personal experiences and perspectives on the cu...
Barbara Fredrickson speaks on Positivity at the 2013 Coaching in Leadership and Healthcare Conference.
Dr. Richard Ryan presents on the topic of Self Determination at the 2013 Coaching in Leadership and Healthcare Conference.
Lew Stern, PhD presents "Executive Coaching: Building and Managing Your Professional Practice" at the 2013 Coaching in Leadership and Healthca...
Amy Edmondson presents "Teamwork on the Fly" at the 2013 Coaching in Leadership and Healthcare Conference.
Opening remarks by Scott Rauch, MD at the 2013 Coaching in Healthcare and Leadership Conference.
Richard Kogan's closing keynote at the 2014 Coaching in Health and Leadership Conference titled, "Beethoven's Deafness: Emotional Crisis and A...
Margaret Moore and Shelley Carson discuss the Thriving Mind at the 2014 Coaching Conference.
This empowering and inspiring talk by Yael Farber explores the pursuit of truth through theater.
Dana Born, PhD, Brigadier General USAF, Retired discusses why transformational leadership is important but insufficient. She discusses:...