Research Digest: Volume 3, Issue 1 (2017)

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Research Digest: Volume 3, Issue 1 (2017)

We continue to offer the Research Digest to our members and associates. The Research Digest is published by the Institute of Coaching, McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School affiliate and is made possible through a generous contribution by Meyler Campbell, who train business leaders to become professional executive coaches. 

The Research Digest highlights selected papers relevant to coaching theory and research that will enhance coaching practices.  A lead article is selected for the theme of this issue and is described and analyzed in detail, other relevant articles are also referenced. Links are provided to the full articles, and in many cases the full text is available from our resources for IOC members. 

The Theme for this issue of the Research Digest is Diversity in Leadership and Coaching.

The diversity of coaching has grown with the maturity of scholarship and professional practice.  Coaches in organizational, executive and health coaching are working from different frameworks and approaches to coaching.  They are also developing diverse coaching relationships - related to gender, race and ethnicity, nationality, and cultural backgrounds. The topic of gender dynamics in coaching and specifically coaching women leaders is also receiving more attention, as organizational contexts are changing.  For example, the journal Leadership Quarterly recently featured a special issue on Gender and Leadership. Another special issue of the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, was devoted to "Illuminating the scholarship of coaching" and included an article presenting a framework for coaching women leaders, a summary from which we present below.

Bonneywell, S. (2017). How a coaching intervention supports the development of female leaders in a global organisation. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, S11, 57-69. (Full text available Open Access)

Shoukry, H. (2016). Coaching for emancipation: A framework for coaching in oppressive environments. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, 14(2), 15-30. (Full text available Open Access)

Rosette, A. S., Koval, C. Z., Ma, A., & Livingston, R. (2016). Race matters for women leaders: Intersectional effects on agentic deficiencies and penalties. The Leadership Quarterly, 27(3), 429-445. (Full text available for IOC members)

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