Specialized Coaching for Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A Mixed Methods Study

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Specialized Coaching for Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A Mixed Methods Study

Background and Context: Some 4.4% of US Adults have ADHD (NIMH, n.d.). A multimodal treatment approach is now seen as optimal, and coaching is increasingly seen as a useful part of such intervention. While 18 studies have explored outcomes of ADHD coaching, finding benefits for executive functioning and other outcomes, most have focused on college students (Ahmann & Saviet, 2021). Only two have explored coaching in adults, and both of these explored group coaching. Many adults with ADHD are coached individually, but no study has yet explored this.

Design: A mixed-methods study of a 12-session specialized Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity (ADHD) coaching intervention for adults with ADHD, will include a single group pre-post intervention component and a 6-week post-intervention follow-up, exploring key outcomes of: ADHD symptoms, executive functioning (EF), and functional impairment. Coach alliance and effects will be explored/controlled. A qualitative component, using focus groups, will explore reasons clients choose coaching and their experience of the coaching engagement.

Purpose: The proposed research aligns with a key goal of the National Institute for Mental Health Strategic Plan for Research and will both address a gap in the literature on coaching adults with ADHD by exploring key outcomes, including functional impairment, as well as add to the sparse literature exploring client perspectives on the choice of, and experience with, ADHD coaching. As a consequence, this research will contribute to the growing evidence base about coaching for ADHD, assisting in evaluation of its effectiveness, as well as its potential benefit, as part of multimodal care supporting individuals with ADHD.

Micah Saviet, Director, and Elizabeth Ahmann, Director of Research, are at the helm of Springer Institute for research, which is dedicated to being a leader in research and promotion of evidence-informed practices related to coaching for both ADHD (Attention- Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) and health and wellness.
Springer Institute's research has included a narrative literature review exploring outcomes of coaching for ADHD across the age-span and numerous quantitative and qualitative studies exploring specific processes involved in coaching for ADHD.
Ahmann and Saviet actively disseminate their research, presenting workshops and posters both nationally and internationally, including at conferences of The American Professional Society of ADHD and Related Disorders (APSARD); The Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance (CADDRA); International Conference on ADHD; and Coaching in Leadership and Healthcare.
 For more information please visit: www.springerinstitute.org

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