Webinar: The Coaching Ripple Effect: The Impact of Coaching on Leadership Networks and Organizational Effectiveness

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Webinar: The Coaching Ripple Effect: The Impact of Coaching on Leadership Networks and Organizational Effectiveness

Given that leaders are embedded in complex networks of interaction it may be important to consider the potential for broader level systemic impact of change that begins at the individual cognitions of a leader. Preliminary research has shown that cognitive behavioral coaching can have an impact on the well-being of members, beyond those coached directly, through the coaching ripple effect (O'Connor & Cavanagh, 2013). Additionally, certain types of leaders have more effective perceptions of existing network ties within the organization (i.e. network cognitions), which can be related to team effectiveness. In this webinar we will present recent research on changes observed in the relational networks of an organization following a coaching and will discuss individual leader network cognitions with particular attention to implication for coaching practice. Insights will be shared on the potential for cognitive behavioral coaching to improve leadership effectiveness by working directly with the network cognitions of leaders.

Presenter: Sean Anthony O'Connor, PhD

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