Webinar: Conversations that Inspire: Coaching for Sustained Desired Change

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Webinar: Conversations that Inspire: Coaching for Sustained Desired Change
Conversations that inspire

As coaches, we all want to help others learn, grow and improve. When coaching is focused on fixing problems, however, we usually miss the mark. The degree of change and the excitement about learning and change is minimal and often short-lived. Alternatively, when we inspire others to envision a future anchored in their passion, purpose, values and dreams, we activate psychological and physiological processes that not only result in a person feeling engaged and excited to develop and change, but that enable them to sustain the effort for years. In this webinar, Melvin Smith and Ellen Van Oosten describe these two coaching approaches and share research studies and stories of what effective helping and coaching entails from their new book, Helping People Change: Coaching with Compassion for Lifelong Learning and Growth, co-authored with Richard Boyatzis.  

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