Webinar: Posttraumatic Growth following Suicide Loss

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Webinar: Posttraumatic Growth following Suicide Loss
Screenshot from Webinar - Melinda Moore and Pamela Larde

Research on bereavement, especially suicide bereavement, has focused on the psychopathology of this loss. A new area of positive psychology, Posttraumatic Growth (PTG), offers another vehicle for understanding the consequences of these experiences by investigating the possibilities for personal growth within the context of any sudden and traumatic death. In this talk, Dr. Moore describes her experience of loss and how it led her to a career dedicated to transforming clinical training, but also to an area of research that is being applied to help trauma survivors discover what else is true in their journey.

Learning the language of Posttraumatic Growth, what it is, how to label it, and how to cultivate it, is helpful for coaches who are trying to help their clients understand what is *also* true about any professional or personal experience of loss.

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