Migdalia Brathwaite

Webinar: Stuck in the Story: Exploring Forgiveness in Coaching Practice

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Webinar: Stuck in the Story: Exploring Forgiveness in Coaching Practice

What do you do when clients find themselves stuck in a painful story? Exploring forgiveness as a path for getting unstuck and progressing towards goals can often be overlooked. In a world of irreconcilable differences, hidden offenses and overt unforgiveness, discovering how to move clients beyond blocks can prove to be a daunting task.

Forgiveness is not only about actionizing the self to restore inner balance, it can also liberate clients toward a personal evolution. When forgiveness is overlooked as an option for self-care the result can be unattended sorrow and deficits in worthiness. Incorporating forgiveness into coaching practices can mobilize individuals from being stuck by increasing awareness, personal responsibility, and self-belief. When individuals become unhinged from a limiting story, possibilities appear to be boundless.

This webinar is designed to introduce forgiveness as a tool to be used in coaching practices. It will aid in identifying, and unraveling personal forgiveness rules, and reveal how forgiveness can defuse barriers toward achieving success in accomplishing coaching goals. Join Migdalia Brathwaite, a behavioral health professional, international forgiveness educator and creative life strategist in discovering the value of incorporating forgiveness into coaching practices.

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