As human beings, we naturally crave connection. We want to feel part of a larger community, purposefully working together toward a common good. Yet, in an age of zoom calls and hybrid workplaces more employees than ever report increasing loneliness and a sense of disconnection from their teams and colleagues. During the 20 years that Gallup has been asking us: Do you have a best friend at work? The engagement needle has barely moved.
Today, more than 20% of employees report that they have no friends at work, no one they can turn to in a time of need. Maybe we’ve been asking the wrong question. Now, more than ever, we must all work to (re)build a sense of togetherness. How we lead, connect, and inspire others matters. It’s time to look up, show up, and step up in all our relationships to build trust and accelerate our success.
The question we should ask ourselves is: Am I a best friend at work?